Dress: Sohomode
Cardigan: Glassons
Shoes: I Love Billy
We interrupt today’s regular programming to bring you the very exciting news that for ONE WEEK ONLY, Louise at Sohomode is offering Frocks and Frou Frou readers a 15% discount on her custom-made dresses with the code frocksandfroufrou.
I can’t stress enough what a great opportunity this is. Louise’s tea-dresses are reaching cult status, and she never discounts. I’m lucky enough to own two myself: this one, and my original “harvest” dress, and I can’t rave about them enough. I loved my own dresses enough to send my favourite girls down the aisle in Sohomode bridesmaid dresses, and they loved them enough to re-wear them again and again.
I’m seriously tempted by Louise’s generous offer to buy a THIRD dress actually, though I’m having a hard time choosing between the gorgeous vintage fabrics on offer. The poppies on navy are divine, or the bold floral in primary colours, or the striking yellow plaid for something different to my usual florals?
Whatever fabric I choose I’m confident that like all six dresses I’ve ordered from Louise in the past, they’ll fit perfectly and be beautifully finished, with the little details that make her tea-dresses such a work of art; the satin piping on the bodice and cap sleeves, the velvet ribbon detailing on the belt, the pockets…
So if you’ve ever thought maybe you might like something a bit special to wear that’s been made with love especially for you, to fit you, from fabric you’ve chosen. Something original and perfect that you won’t see on every second person walking down the street… Now’s the time. You have a week. Get to it!
Okay. The stars are aligning!! I was just speaking with a friend about these dresses and I still want one! Will place my order tonight!
Yay! Let us know which one you’re getting
Ordered! Went with the blue wheat berry fabric (http://www.louisehedley.com/index/sohoadmin/plugins/viastepphotogallery/images/premium/content/619.jpg) So excited!!!
OMG! I’m trying to order but the code isn’t working. Ahhhhhh!!
Really? Louise said it went up this morning. Stay tuned, I’ll let her know!
Hey, Adara – Louise says you need to put the code in on the page after your payment details
Which one did you choose?
I guess I was doing that – because I did the same thing again just now and it worked, YAY!
I think I’ve ordered the same print that your sister ordered? Or a similar lovely red ^^
Thank you so much, I’m so excited
Oh, how gorgeous. I was excited but the code but, man, the $40 shipping still puts it out of my reach
Hey Rebecca,

Louise asked me to let you know that the international shipping covers express shipping, and that sometimes it’s over that, but she always makes up the difference herself. I can vouch for that
I’ve sent you an email, too
Ooh tempting! I have one Sohomode dress and it is so beautiful. Exquisitely comfortable to wear too. Thanks for the code. White roses on green very tempting!
But can’t see a box for the code?
Sorry Siggy. I’ve emailled Louise to ask how the code works – Possibly she might have to send an updated invoice, or it might have to be entered in PayPal. Will let you know!
No problem. A little think time probably not a bad thing!
Hey Siggy,
Louise says the code goes in after you put your payment details though: i.e. you enter your CC details, then on the next page there’s a box for the code
Thanks Lilli!
One can really see the good craftsmanship of this dress.
I usually look and don’t comment, but that outfit is fantastic. I love the bright warmth of the yellows and the dress looks divine.
Beautiful! I love the perfect pattern placement.
Yellow plaid! Yellow plaid!! Oh, that’s such a beautiful fabric, you MUST choose that one!
And I adore these dresses on you… you always look so polished!
Now that’s how to tempt a girl ….. those dresses look gorgeous!
Beautiful dresses.
I have ‘favourite’ this website on Etsy ever since I began following your blog so this offer was too good to pass up. I had some qs for Louise and she got back with replies immediately each time. I chose white bunches on caramel stripes, and then found a ready to made winter tea dress I just couldn’t resist LOL. I had no problem at all with the code. Cheers for putting a smile on all our faces
Oh so Tempting.. I have been wanting one for such a long time… oh oh dilemma!!!
Want but can I justify!?!?!?!
I wish I had the spending cash for it, unfortunately I can’t justify the coin at the moment. Uhg, budgets suck.
I just bought one in the purple vera fabric. Postponing the satchel purchase to a few months later as this offer was too good to pass up!
I got one in nautical flowers, after having admired them on your blog before. Perfect way to celebrate a new job. Before it is actually made official, mind you, but I didn’t need much of an excuse.
Thank you both for making this happen.
Wonderful! And Congratulations!I think I saw your dress on Louise’s twitter feed? If so it looks BEAUTIFUL! I did really like nautical flowers fabric
Wow – Lili!! Thank you so much.
I have been lusting after these gorgeous dresses for aaaaages. In fact, since I saw your photo in the weeekend paper and found your blog : )
I’ve just ordered the beautiful bright red, japenese-esque one! Very nervous, but SO EXCITED! It’s my birthday in January, so seemed like a good excuse to finally own one.
Thank you so much for sharing : )
– Laura
(long time reader, infrequent poster)
My pleasure! I think you may have scored the same fabric my little sister did! Hope you love it
Your dress is absolutely lovely.