Dress: Queen Clothing
Cardigan: Glassons
Shoes: Chie Mihara
Seven days into May(de) and I’m coming to annoying realisation that the bulk of my homemade/handmade/indie designer items are for warmer climes than Melbourne is currently experiencing. As a result I’m putting together a lot of outfits that require cardigans and coverups!
Like today’s dress from Queen Clothing. It’s an amazing dress. On everyone. I know several people who’ve bought it in different incarnations (including the divine Karen Pickering who wore it to Cherchez La Femme the night I was on the panel and looked So. Freaking. Gorgeous in it that I kind of wanted to jump her bones)
It is a dress made for flaunting cleavage and bums and hips and waists. It’s not particularly the kind of dress you team with a cardigan. Especially not a cardigan that kind of unnervingly matches your new hair colour so well that five, FIVE, people commented on it.
Oh well, at least I didn’t freeze to death!
And here’s a closeup for my brooch, which was gifted to me by my little sister
Brooch: LoveHate
Gorgeous. I wouldn’t say it matches your hair, it brings out the lovely new colour. Great outfit
Really enjoying may(de). What a great blogging idea!
I think that dress and those shoes could be my most lusted-after items in your wardrobe…and that’s saying something!
LOVING the regular posting
Haha that takes matching to all new levels! LOVE the floral dress, the slim cut is very flattering
I probably should comment and let you know just how much I’m loving these mayde posts!!!
I love this dress on you so much and the cardi is so cute! The shoes!!!! Aaaaah!!!! Everything really
Oh and you’re making me want to chop my hair off, but I must keep growing it for our wedding eeeek!
I don’t want to sound like a stalker but…. I was walking to the station after work last night and saw u as u went into your building. My eye was caught by this dress!!!! Which looked gorgeous even with the cardi!! Lovely outfit and good use of cardi to make more Melbourne cold appropriate!!
Super cute, as always, and I LOVE the new haircut!
Could you try your trick of doing the cardi up at the back, with this one? I know, dressing for this sudden cold weather is a bit of an adjustment!
You’ve got the opposite wardrobe profile to me when it comes to handmade stuff… I’ve got tonnes of hand knit cardies and sweaters. They seem to be all that is available in the way of handcrafted plus size wear at thrift shops.
I love that dress…how it look without the cardigan?
Here we go, Stephanie! http://frocksandfroufrou.com/2009/11/frockapalooza-day-1-an-education/