Fifties Lover Blouse: Princess Highway
Shoes: Seychelles
When I first sewed this skirt back in 2012 I was very certain that it would look great with my favourite navy blue polkadot blouse from Victoria’s Secret, circa 2008. Mentally, I had the outfit all planned in my head, so imagine my surprise when I discovered it didn’t work. At all.
I don’t know what it was. The ruffles? The puffed sleeves? The fact the blouse was really tight? Whatever it was, I just decided to shrug it off and wear the skirt with other tops instead.
A month or so ago I was wearing the polkadot top – which (as you know) I’ve sewn the front of up so it doesn’t gape over my full bust – and when I went to undress the elderly fabric finally gave way, and the blouse tore irretrievably from underarm to button placket.
It’s a staple in my wardrobe and has appeared on the blog countless times, so I was absolutely gutted to have to finally bid it farewell.
A week or so ago I was walking past Princess Highway in the city on my way to an appointment, and what should I see in the window, but a navy blue polkadot blouse with a peter-pan collar, but no ruffles (which was always my least favourite part of the VS blouse. Ruffles+F-cups=total overkill).
Mercifully, it’s one of the pieces at Princess Highway that goes up to a size 16 and it fit comfortably without even needing my customary gapectomy.
I snapped it up on sale for just $19, which even though I’m budgeting hard at the moment, seemed perfectly do-able for something I know I’ll get truckloads of wear out of (though bewilderingly it seems to have gone back up to $40 now.)
The collar turned out to be false, which is both annoying and bizarre (Like false pockets. What even?) but I’m prepared to forgive it, because to my astonishment it works with my DIY’d skirt. Just like I always knew it would.
False collar more doable than false pockets which is SO annoying!!! This looks great with re skirt- I’m sad about the demise of your old VS shirt. $19 for a replacement is great value!!
Thanks Shell – I thought so
This looks so good! I think I’ve conquered most other types of fashion challenges but pattern matching still seems insurmountable. I never would have put those two together but they just work. In awe!!!!!!
I basically consider polkadots to be the “neutral” of the pattern matching world. Start with that, then using a similar colour palette try matching it with another pattern (florals and geometrics are good, too)
I’m like that with stripes, they’re my neutral. I put them with florals, leopard print, graphics, but never polka dots – looks a bit like PJs! As long as the colours agree with each other I LOVE mixing patterns.
Oh my lordy loo… Lilli I have a confession..
A few weeks ago my family and I went down to Sydney for a sporting event, whereby I “had” to go shopping for some shoes (orthotics ergh!) Anyway, after having zero success in getting said shoes, my daughter and I went browsing through some of the outlet stores. Well…. I looked in the window of a store called “Clear It” and thought “oh god, I must be getting old, that looks like all teenager crap” BUT then I looked on the window and saw the listed brands they stock. Dangerfield, Black Friday, Revival and Princess Highway. I kid you not, I stopped dead in my tracks and said “Chicka (my daughter’s nickname) we are going in” Chicka – “But… umm… that stuff is not really your stuff” Me – “Princess Highway Chicka. Princess Highway… That’s all you need to know”
3 hours later I came out with four shirts (which I LOVE), a skirt, a hat (for chicka), another hat (for my son) and some insane socks. My hubby was also trying to talk me into two different jackets and a dress. I declined those mainly because they just didn’t sit right and the jacket I lurved was one size too small (utterly devo’d on that one).
So… the point of my story. Oh my god! Thank you soooooooooooo much for showing Princess Highway clothes. I love the quality, the cut, fabric designs and the outlet prices (50% off the sale price at the time – oh yeah!) Thank you thank you thank you!
Oh that’s great, Kate! I’m so glad you had fun & found some nice things to treat yourself to! Yay!
This look is so cute.x
Thanks Becky
You look stunning and that pattern pairing is great… But what is a fake collar? It seems from the photo to be an actual piece of fabric, so how is it false? Is it sewn down all the way around its parameter?
Yep, it seems to be a fully functioning collar that’s been sewn down to the blouse all the way around. I think I’ll wait tip winter (when I would probably start layering it under cardigans and sweaters) and then see whether or not I can be bothered to unpick it and sew the edges up again.
Go you!
Thanks Cilla
Oh, I adore your blouse!!!! It looks so cute. I cannot find a way to get Princess Highway clothes shipped to Europe, though
I am so tempted to buy this one for some weeks now, but it is still expensive:
Oh darn
Before I found this one I was actually tempted to commission one of the dressmakers on Etsy to make me one – that might end up being cheaper?
It’s awful when a much-loved item of clothing finally gives up the ghost – I’m always left cursing myself for not having bought 2! What usually happens to me is that it becomes impossible to find anything vaguely similar so I’m delighted that you were able to find a replacement – and I think it looks great on you
It probably is the lack of ruffles that makes this one work with the skirt. Hooray for being able to achieve the look you planned when you were sewing!
I should probably buy a second one of these – the fabric’s pretty thin – but I might just try to be gentle, and hope for the best!
When you say ‘false collar’, what do you mean? Is it sewn into the shirt?
Yep, the whole way around. I’m tempted to uptick it (it seems like there’s a double layer of fabric there) but we’ll see.
Darling outfit, BTW. <3
I am definitely going to put together an outfit inspired by this!!!!! Thanks for sharing your wardrobe creativity! xo
My pleasure, Christie
Have fun putting your outfit together!
Those two pieces are perfect together! It looks so amazing, I’m a little jealous. But mostly I’m excited for your amazing replacement score! I can’t wait to see what else you pair that top with.
Thanks Molly! I’m sure I’m going to get so much wear out of it that you’ll all be sick of the sight of it soon.
I spent the weekend just gone in Sydney, and while I was there I popped into the Dangerfield store in Bondi. A little while later, I left the store with four cardigans. Four! I’m a dress and cardi kind of girl, and they were on special, so what else could I do? They’re beautiful – 2 Dance til Midnight cardies (a black one and a pink one), a navy one with bone trim, and a peachy pink one with cat faces on either side. Gorgeous!! And there was an extra 20% off the sale price. So excited to start wearing them.
Oh wow, nice score!
Thanks Kate
Oh, nice find! I love the cat one, I was actually thinking of getting one for my little sister
Love the new top! Hopefully this one lasts a bit longer!
LOL, it’s pretty thin fabric, so I don’t have my hopes up! I’ll just have to be gentle
I actually kind of like the sewn-down collar – I am terrible at ironing and can never keep collars sitting properly. Love your pattern mixing!
Oh gosh yes! I’m awful at ironing collars. It’s a bit annoying because it means I can’t layer it under anything, but it definitely looks neater when I’m just wearing the top by itself
The outfit works really well. Maybe you can sew the collar on?
It’s already sewn on, actually. Sewn down, which means I can’t wear the collar over the top of a cardigan or anything!
You are so lovely and wonderful. I’ve read your blog for years and keep checking back not to gawk at your situation but because I, like all your readers, know your are a genuine, good person who deserves the best. This outfit is gorgeous and I’m so glad to see you back blogging x
I have been reading your blog for a few years now and I want to thank you. Thank you for being open, brave and insprational. Because of your example I have come to appreciate my 50 year old self. I have learned to remember that clothes and fashion can be fun and should be. I have tried new outfit combinations because you make them look so good. So thank you. ((Hugs))
Oh I LOVE this combination! What amazeballs value. Always gorgeous and full of inspiration. xxx
Great colours and I love the patterns. The way you have done your hair is also very stylish . Good to be reading your blog again
I forgot to add the other day – re your previous post about your wedding dress change. I know you want to keep it the same beautiful cream, but OMG that baby dyed emerald green would look incredible on you!
I don’t suppose you remember the name of this blouse do you?
It was called the “Fifties Lover Blouse”