
Dress: Pinup Girl Clothing
Shoes: Chie Mihara

Recognise this dress? You probably should, it’s been on my lust list as least three times. I recently caved, and bought it because I was terrified that it would go out of stock in my size (again) and wouldn’t ever come back.

With the full-blown roses and the full-on skirt this is probably the girliest dress that I own, and teamed with my pink Domino Dollhouse petticoat I feel every bit a “Betty

I followed the size chart and got the 2X, which fits pretty well, but I might have preferred the slightly smaller 1X because the bodice is pretty roomy, and a little long for my short-waisted body shape. As a result I feel like the shoulders are sitting somewhere around my ears, and the huge portrait collar is swallowing my cleavage. Overall though: delighted.

I know it’ll scandalise a few of you, but I’m thinking of have the dress hemmed a little shorter. The mid-calf length – thought more authentic – means that there’s a LOT of stuff going on with the dress, and I suspect it’ll be more wearable with a few inches off the hem.

We’ll see.


34 thoughts on “Full-Blown

  1. Actually one of my first thoughts (upon seeing the very first photo) was that the dress is too long for you!

    How does it sit without the petticoat? Do you think you will get the bodice taken in so it sits better/more comfortably?

    It is a gorgeous dress and totally your style : )

  2. I LOVE that dress! It’s gorgeous! I actually think you’d be doing the right thing in hemming it a little bit. I’d probably do knee length, but perhaps below-the-knee is more in keeping with the dress.

  3. My first thought also on seeing this was that it would be better a little shorter – so go for it and get the hem taken up. I wear lots of fifties style outfits, and actually tend to wear them a bit shorter than I would a ‘normal’ skirt – just slightly below the knees. I think with full skirts a calf length hem can be too much.

    Love this dress and am trying to resist buying it!

  4. This is what I call a “Lilli” dress! Beautiful! I agree, a few inches shorter would make this dress perfect. I especially like how your hairstyle suits the dress wonderfully.

  5. Gorgeous, Lilli. You’ve lusted after that dress it for so long I’m happy it is finally yours.

    Totally agree with taking up the hem a few inches. It will make the dress perfect πŸ™‚

    BTW – you hair looks fab.

  6. My first thought upon seeing the photo was that it was too long and would be more flattering if you lopped a few inches off. It will be more wearable for sure. That being said, beautiful dress! I have also lusted after it a long time but failed to purchase, simply because I have enough floral dresses in my wardrobe. You look gorgeous!

  7. Hi Lilli..maybe it’s just me, but i think a little should be taken in on the back of the dress? so that it’s a tad more snug around the chest πŸ™‚
    Hello from Malaysia btw! πŸ™‚

  8. Agree with you and the others- gorgeous dress but i think the length overwhelms you! A little shorter will be even better! So spring like and happy with those gorgeous blooms!

  9. Gorgeous Dress and yet another Vote for a little bit Shorter the length of the Petticoat would seem just right I bet the Website will have a run on this Dress now after we have seen how lovely it looks on you.

  10. OMG I was absolutely speechless when I saw your photos you look STUNNING in this dress it is beautiful and after it’s first wash I bet it will fit perfectly, It is soooooooo you and so gorgeous I am still speechless, the best purchase you have ever made I bet

  11. I vote for hemming … And letting the seamstress take in the bodice for you too.

    It is full blown gorgeous though! Enjoy Spring stepping out in this frock.

    1. Me too. I think the ballet length hem makes the dress special. Knee length floral frocks are nice too but not as rare. You look fantastic!

  12. ah πŸ™‚ you are sooooooooooo wonderful πŸ™‚
    sorry for not commenting but i have the lamest internet in the universe πŸ™

  13. I love this dress…and I’m with you about the hem! You know, you wear fabulous clothes…do you get many looks from people? Please understand where I am coming from > I’m in a small town in tassie, where all the women wear jeans and flannel shirts.
    Perhaps I should lash some colour around my town?
    Still lovin your Blog <3

  14. When I saw the pictures I thought the dress would look better on you if it were hemmed a little shorter. Go for it! Make the dress work for you and what you want to look like!

  15. The more I see that peachy petticoat, the more I think I need at least one petticoat in my wardrobe.

    I was looking back in your archives and noticed your April post about Casual Tuesday, in which you mentioned a wide-calf boots lust list in the works. Was that ever posted? I remember looking forward to it.

  16. I guess I’m the only one who loves this dress at the original length… this is such a beautiful dress.. I
    m in lovve with it, really.

  17. Lilli!
    This is gorgeous, I’m so glad you finally moved it from your lust ist to your wardrobe. Absolutely hem it, the full skirt and the busy print make it swollow you up a bit, I would take it to just below your calf – if i was in Melbourne I’d come over and do it for you myself!

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