
Well crud.

Typically, now that Melbourne’s started to actually act like winter might be coming after all, dozens of amazing spring and summer frocks are appearing on my favourite online shopping destinations.

You’d think I’d be used to it by now, but ever year I get all contrary and turned about. In summer I crave boots and jackets and snuggly knitwear. In winter I look at the pretty dresses and sigh wistfully.

So, in honour of my Northern Hemispherical readers, here’s what I’d be buying if I were you:

Dress: Modcloth

This one comes care of Heartbeatoz on Tumblr – I don’t know if I should thank you, or throttle you! It’s too, too gorgeous and exactly what I would wear


Dress: Asos

When Asos gets it right, they get it really, really right. The print on this is fabulous. Striking and retro and modern and classic all in one.

Dress: Dorothy Perkins

This one’s not in my size anymore… let’s all be thankful for that.


Dress: Dorothy Perkins

Also from Dotty P’s, and also out of stock in my size…. this isn’t too hard


Skirt: Sandee Royalty

I was linked to this seller by another blog Sincerely Yours, Kate and I gotta say – it’s a great find. $375 for the original Kate Spade version, or $65 for a pretty convincing homage.


These next four

all come from Wallis Clothing in the UK. I’d (luckily?) forgotten about them until realwheresmytea sent me a message about them on Tumblr. And now I can’t stay off the website. Curses!

One Shoulder Satin Dress


White Oranges & Lemons Dress

“oranges and lemons said the bells of St Clement’s…” And cherries, too.

Red Vintage Poppy Prom Dress

This dress is actually a remake of Wallis’ 1953 “Perfect Print” range, and the Marimekko-esque poppy print is too awesome for words. Of all the dresses on my Lust List this is the one I’m most likely to cave and buy.

Yellow Daisy Prom Dress

Another of the vintage remakes, this beauty is from the 1952 “Wedding Party” range… I have a garden wedding to go to later this year. So I should totally buy this. Right?


23 thoughts on “Seasonal

  1. Wearing white to a wedding is such a faux pas!
    Don’t do it. I personally was devastated that people were wearing white at my wedding! WTH!!?!!

    But OMG! I love love love love one shoulder satin dress. So beautiful! I may have to think about a purchase!

  2. I need to stop reading your blog. I have never done so much online shopping since I started reading it. ENABLER!

    On the other hand, after the shocking Melbourne traffic we both experienced today, I deserve a treat!

    P.S- Pure Collection dress was TOTALLY worth it! It’s so flattering on you, you look dynamite! x

  3. Great, now I have to do more online shopping. Which I have banned myself from. Oh well 🙂

    Love the Modcloth dress and the Cherries and Orange dress. I have a thing for fruit patterns!


  4. Wanna trade continents? Every time I see you in the snuggly sweaters and boots and OMG cashmere dress! I have remember it’ll be over 100 degrees (38C) here soon and I get a little huffy about it.

  5. That first dress was something I found last night on Modcloth. I too fell in love, but I am a bit bigger than their size range, so it is a no go for me. Boo! I love bright red flowers on dresses!

  6. I am not sure if I should thank you or curse you. When you posted the Asos dress on Tumblr, I started surfing around their site and now have way too many things on hold. I’m waiting until I get back from my trip next week but it is so hard.

  7. i just added that modcloth dress to my wish list a few days ago! so pretty. out of stock in my size though. 🙁

  8. Fantastic post, I love every single item you have suggested!! I am really struggling not to keep buying gorgeous summer dresses even though we are heading into winter, I need to save my pennies for coats and such things 🙁 xxx

  9. Glad you liked the Modcloth Dress as soon as I saw it I knew it was you , love all the other Dresses too especially the Dorothy Perkins Sunny here in Adelaide hope you have the same in Melbourne
    Cheers from Jacki

  10. This is so funny. Three days ago, I saw the asymetrical stripe Asos Curve dress and thought to myself “it looks like something that Lilli would look adorable in on Frocks & Frou Frou, I should give it a shot.” And I ordered it then.

  11. I would totally wear all of those dresses right now, despite the chilly edge to the air. Some warm layering underneath, a cute cardigan or jacket on top, and they’d be perfect!

    Until it starts raining, of course.

      1. so i received it yesterday and…i’ll return it, cloth quality is awful, it’s shiny like a crappy 10dollars polyester dress, printed is absolutely not as beautiful as the pic, it’s cut so small so i couldn’t zip the dress. And the knee lenght is designed for 150cm girls (i’m 175 so it turns into really mini) For the price i expected more. I’m quite dissapointing to have lost 15€shipping…i’ll try the newest dorothy perkins you post!

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