What a Galah

Jacket: Veronika Maine

Skirt: Pearl & Elspeth

Top: Jeans West

Belt: Nancybird

Necklace: City Chic

Shoes: Hush Puppies


There is a LOT going on with this outfit: the floral blouse, the re-purposed tea towel skirt, the  belt, the jacket. As I was putting it together I was thinking “this’ll NEVER work” but surprisingly it did, and rather well too.

Coco Chanel famously said “before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off”, but instead after looking in the mirror I put two things ON, and it was the belt and the necklace that finished this outfit and tied it together against all odds.

It’s nice when that happens. Too often I’ll put together a proposed outfit, and it’ll look great laid out on the bed, but once I get dressed it looks dreadful.

I was seeing a new account today who had a particular interest in our local titles, so I donned my most “Aussie” skirt, which was made beautifully by Annie at Pearl & Elspeth out of a tea-towel featuring the Australian galah. Turns out it goes wonderfully with the bottle green Veronika Maine jacket that I don’t wear nearly as often as I should. The whole outfit is a satisfying explosion of colour. Not very “Melbourne” but never mind!


43 thoughts on “What a Galah

  1. Sometimes, I think bright bold colours is the new black for us in Melbourne… I’m seeing more and more larger ambitious colour choices throughout the city… Colour is the new black?


  2. Love the skirt, the jacket – everything! And I loved the profile of you that I read in “City News” this morning!

  3. Think that this outfit is absolutely gorgeous and it all works together fantastic (long time reader, first time commenter – and this outfit made me comment!!)

  4. I agree with all above posts. The skirt length is perfection. The skirt itself is quirky with being garish and the jacket is devine. I literally gasped when I opened the page. Definately onto a winner with this one 🙂

  5. The BEST outfit EVER!!! Adore it! The colors, the pattern, they work brilliantly together.
    Color and life without overwhelming you-you’re wearing the outfit not the other way round.
    Love the VM jacket-my fave color! ADORE!!!!!!!

  6. This outfit is lovely on you!! I don’t think it’s “too much” at all!
    Now I’ve got to try to convince myself to not order one of those skirts before payday…

  7. I’m new to your blog, irish girl living in Canada (lived in Sydney for a year in 05/06). Been looking at your outfits for advice and have to say this is fab. I think it would look quite nice on me 🙂

  8. Once again, your use of beautiful color makes me want to be more adventurous in my black-t-shirt-and-jeans wardrobe. I love the jacket with the skirt, especially. Thank you for sharing this!

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