Being a self-confessed girly-girl I must admit to a strange addiction for frills, ruffles and tiers. And this year – for the first time in a loooooong time, we’re actually seeing them back in vogue. But it seems to be slim picking for those of us on this side of a size 14. I’ve scoured the ‘net and tracked down some of my favourites for you, but drop me a line if you’ve discovered something really delicious that you want to share…
Monsoon really excels in the ruffles-and-tiers stakes, which makes it doubly upsetting that they won’t ship internationally. But since I don’t need any new dresses anyway, it’s a valuable exercise in self-control:
Monsoon Rita Frill Dress
Monsoon Lalita Dress

This dress is from the designer Abby Z It doesn’t seem to be listing on her website anymore (look for it on Alight which is a shame, because it has a lovely 1920’s feel, and that shrug’s a great accessory for girls with shy-shoulder-syndrome.
Abby Z Tier Dress
Torrid has a couple of cute casual tiered dresses on offer:
Torrid Chiffon Tier Dress
Torrid Triple Tier Dress
And good old neverfail Nordies has a few more dressy options:
Tadashi Strapless Silk Dress

And of course, as the piece de resistance, the Tadashi dress that I fully intend to get married in, should the day ever happen (and assuming I don’t see anything I like better in the meantime)
That first dress is amazing!
Isn’t it just, erin? Damn Monsoon for not shipping to Australia! I’m keeping my eBay eyes open, though. I saw it on there once, but got sniped at the last moment (sob!)