Cardigan: Trenery
Tights: Snag
Boots: Ziera
Final day of the challenge! I’ve never done Me Made May before so I’m hoping we’re not supposed to wind up to some amazing final outfit because here I am.
I’m wearing an old Fen dress that you’ve already seen (fabric from Kokka), a long cardigan from Trenery, tights from Snag, and a substantial amount of snot from E who has come down with his fourth cold of the year.
It’s been fun to join along with Me Made May this year – I’ve tried a couple of new patterns, worn some old favorites, and made a list as long as my arm of new patterns I’m now dying to sew.
Thanks for joining me!
Thanks Lily. I really enjoyed seeing your makes and am so impressed you made it through the whole month.
Yay! You did it! I came across your blog on Pinterest in the middle of May and I’ve been loving seeing all of your outfits and reading your posts. Just wanted to say that I love your style and I’ve definitely been inspired a few times. I’ve been a bit down and frumpy lately so it became a little ray of sunshine to brighten my day. 🙂