The Hills Are Alive…


Top: Suzanne Grae

Skirt: Chitra’s Closet

Shoes: Chie Mihara


Isn’t this skirt just the most scrumptious thing ever? I fell head over heels in love with it when I saw another model wearing it during the Chitra’s Closet Runway Show and I knew that if I let the season pass without buying it, I would regret it. I feel like I should be twirling around Austrian mountaintops singing, but instead I hit up the Melbourne Design Market with a gaggle of girlfriends, which is probably more fun, and certainly less likely to result in grass stains.

The skirt’s a lovely piece of work, made with all of Chitra’s usual attention to little details – a peek of ruffle here, a contrast lining there – The fabric’s a remarkable textured cotton that is difficult to describe (it’s kind of pleated, and kind of elasticsed with these strips of what looks like lace but are actually woven into the fabric). It hangs beautifully with just the right amount of pouf from the underskirt with the soft tulle ruffle.

This past week has been, in a word, busy. I know it’s been, umn, ages since the last post (sorry Jess!) but it’s been hard to make the time between trying to get back into the swing of work post-holiday and pre-Christmas, as well as manage an epic eBay sale, attend the opening of a great new exhibition at Melbourne’s State Library “Look! The Art of Australian Picture Books Today”, visit the optometrist, not to mention a few dinners, barbecues, and markets thrown into the mix… Can you believe it’s less than three weeks ’til Christmas?

I hope everyone’s doing better with their gift shopping than I am – I’d counted on finding a stack of them this weekend, but I left the Design Market uncharacteristically empty-handed, except for a special, umn, something from my favourite laugh-out-loud stationary destination “Able and Game“.

17 thoughts on “The Hills Are Alive…

  1. That is a beautiful skirts! I also really like the top you have teamed it with. I am the same with the Christmas present buying, I have the in-law’s sorted, both sisters in-laws and my brothers but still have my mum’s, my sister’s, grandfather in-law’s AND (most importantly!) the husband’s! Not to mention something for my friend’s kids! GAHHH!

    Also three weeks!!! …. *panic stations!*

  2. This is such a feminine, beautiful look. You look picture perfect and I love that hair band. I agree with Monkey–I like the top you’ve combined with the skirt. They make for a perfect ensemble. Great look, like always!

  3. Gorgeous! Red is definitely your ‘power colour’. I’ve never bought anything from Chitras, will have to check it out.

    P.S- I really like your hair that length!

  4. That skirt is stunning!!!
    Was very excited to receive my ebay winnings from you today-the evans boots and new look skirt-thanks!!!!!

      1. I was so glad it was cooler here in Melb on Fri so I wore the boots to work-got soooooo many compliments-LOVE them!!!!

  5. That’s a very pretty skirt. I think that exhibition means that I have to come to Melbourne again before May. I’ll justify it as professional development.

  6. I just stumbled across your blog today and have to say I love your styling!!! You have a knack for putting clothes together! I am going to read your blog daily so I can learn to dress better.

  7. Been a reader for awhile now. I just love your classic! If your interested I’m doing a giveaway over at my blog. Not sure about size etc……look forward to your posts, always filled with great ideas:)

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