Top: Jacqui E
Skirt & Belt: Portmans
Shoes: Wittner
I think it’s pretty well established that I love shopping! Some might even say I have a bit of an, um, addiction. Probably my credit card would say that. Certainly after Christmas it’s looking a little well-worn, so for February I’m instigating a new plan-of-attack.
It’s called Frugal February.
I’m going to go the whole of February (notice how I’ve picked the shortest month?) without buying anything new. This – I’m sure you understand if you’ve been reading for a while – is A Big Deal.
Like I did with Frockapalooza I’ll be posting every day, and I’ll be trying to focus on budget-friendly labels from discount departments stores and chainstores. I’ll also be doing at least one DIY or Remix a week. That way, if I feel like I want something new, I can have it on as little dosh as possible! My Budget Nazi (Love you, Haz-Mo’s Ma) would be so proud.
No need to remix anything today as it’s a whole new virgin outfit. Even though they’re both a year or so old I’ve never teamed this great lace cardigan with my ruffly pencil skirt before. Now I’m wondering why… somehow they seem to be made for one another!

very pretty !
You are so beautifull
I love this outfit…it looks like a dress at first glance!! It complements your curves very well!!
Really, really pretty! I love the different textures with the polka dot skirt and the lace top.
I have such big love for that skirt, it might be considered indecent. You're looking fab as always!
I adore your skirt 😛
btw, I've just bought 2 books because I'm saving 😛 no clothes, only 1 pair of shoes this month…
I want my account to be gold or even platinum 😛 and it's just very blue right now 😉
Your skirt is so fabulous. I want it.
I've been reading your blog for quite a while and just love it, but I am enthralled with this idea! And I have decided to join you in your Frugal February (my credit card is still smoking from Christmas, not to mention the burnt smell of it…lol!)
I will put up my pics on my blog, <a href=">Plus Size Fashion Diva</a>, too. Looking forward to doing this, it makes saving and not shopping seem almost (*gulp*) fun? First pics will go up in an hour–I'm in Europe, so I'll be a bit behind you.
P.S. <i>Thanks for picking the shortest month….</i>
Your outfit and I are in love! haha Great idea to save, I can't wait to see what you come up with 🙂
At first blush this looked like a dress, but the combination looks fabulous! The cut of the skirt rocks my socks off.
As for Frugal February, I'm doing it too! Mine is called Closet Shopping Challenge and I'm doing it for my last semester in law school. Good Luck!
awww the blouse is stunning and you know I love that skirt as i have the basic black one 🙂
you look vavavoom!
you. are. my. new. idol. oh my word. i just read like 40 pages of your blog and you are amazingly pretty!! i love your style :]
LOVE this outfit! You look amazing in it!
Stunning – nuf said!(O:
My heart is swelling with pride! Frugal February indeed. Pray, what will you do with all the money you save….hmmmm?????
Such a divine outfit to kick it all off with, you look gorgeous.
this is a gorgeous outfit! it really does look like a dress!
Just discovered your blog and have skimmed about 7 pages of it – this is my favourite look.
Oh my gosh, I love love love this skirt. I've been reading your blog for a few weeks and I've been so inspired by your outfits!