DIY: Oui Oui!

Top: Bonds
Skirt: DIY (with fabric from Tessuti)
Shoes: Wittner
A few months ago, you may remember that I ran into the delicious mastermind behind CatRabbit at a craft market.
She was wearing the most scrumptious skirt that she confessed to having made herself, and since then I’ve thought about DIYing a similar piece for my own wardrobe.
It’s the easiest piece you can imagine – one long piece of fabric, gatherered and sewn to an elastic waistband. No zips, no fuss.

I used 1.5m of fabric, which may have been a bit too substantial…

…but it twirls delightfully!
I love it. I want six of them. I’ve already picked my next fabric (polkadots! or maybe stripes.)
Meanwhile, all of my flats seem to be – simultaneously – having the soles walked out of them, so I bought a new pair in the Wittner sales – aren’t they adorable?

20 thoughts on “DIY: Oui Oui!

  1. perfect!
    Love your DIY skirt its simply devine, you look so fun and carefree in these pics
    the shoes are delightful too xxx

    ps I have bought myself some of that yellow bird seed material and am making my daughter a dress with it as I cant get over how stunning you look in yours xxx

  2. Oh you clever chops! I love that skirt, and I LOVE the fabric! Gosh I could shop in Tessuti's all day and never get sick of looking and touching the fabric there.

  3. Ooooh I love it! Did you use a pattern? Do you think you could do a tutorial next time you make one. I would love something similar.

  4. Well done! Sewing is SO EASY. I make all my own clothes, and there is SO much more enjoyment in wearing your own creation. You know it's not made somewhere bad, you know the love you poured into it and everyone will tell you look great!

  5. It is the best skirt ever to make AND wear 😀
    It looks lovely on you!
    That is amazing material, I hope when next we meet we can organise a fabric shopping adventure together!

  6. Please!!! I know that your magnificent necklace is a present of your sister, but would it be possible to know if we can buy him(it) on Internet? If the shop which sells this magnificent necklace has a web site? I live in France and to me, I know a creator who makes this kind of thing but it is frightfully expensive. Thank you very much beforehand about is your answer. Beautiful day to you!

  7. Love this, especially the skirt! I'd attempt to make one myself but I imagine it would go horribly wrong.

  8. Oh, I keep coming back to read if you've written here that you're going to share all the DIY details.

    Please tell us you will. Please. Pretty please. xx

  9. That's great, Sarah-Jo! It's the cutest fabric, isn't it?

    Me too, Michelle… I still couldn't find the exact fabric I was looking for though. Something with bold navy & white stripes.

    Hi Katie, I didn't use a pattern, but I'll do a proper DIY post with sew-as-you-go instructions soon, I promise!

    I'm actually tempted, Chantelle… the Frocks & FrouFrou shopfront, with full skirts & remixed bow cardigans! It *would* help fund my shopping addiction! 😉

    Thanks Wastedfashion – it's so easy, give it a try!

    Thanks Veronica Darling. It does leave me with a little warm glow of accomplishment…

    Thanks cat-rabbit, and thankyou for the inspiration! I would LOVE to go fabric shopping with you next time you're in town 🙂

    I will Anon, promise!

    Aw, thanks for that Katie. You're such a cutie, too! I love your take on the perfect pose!

    Thanks Jen & Bowsnhearts 🙂

    Hi Elodie – I shall ask her! Stay tuned…

    Thanks Darla!

    Stephanie, it's SO EASY. I'm honestly a pretty poor seamstress, but it's hard to get this skirt wrong. Watch out for my next one, I'll blog how to do it, step by step.

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