Finders Keepers

Top: Michelle Tan @ Etsy

Skirt: Chitra’s Closet

Belt: Target

Shoes: Imagination


I. Was. So. Good. This. Weekend.

I went to the bi-annual Finders Keepers Market on Saturday, and somehow managed not to bankrupt myself, though there was SO MUCH there that I wanted to take home.

I well and truly frocked-up for the event, in a most colourful independent-designer style outfit, and was delighted to spot fellow blogger Carly wearing the same blouse!

I’d hit up the shops with my dear friend Fiona the evening before and bought two pairs of shoes from Imagination (a cheapie shop in Melbourne – no website, I’m afraid) including these, which were a meagre $20 and held up to being shopped in for hours remarkably well!

Maybe because I’d satisfied my shopping urges the night before, I managed to restrain myself from buying the entire Finders Keepers market, and went home with just one little brooch from Cottage Industry (it looks exactly like Suki!).

I did see plenty of other things I wanted though; gorgeous acrylic brooches from Notions Handmade, so lovely dresses from Seam Stitch. I had my eye on one of these extraordinary enamel rings from Brooke Johnston Design but couldn’t decide between them, so left empty handed (“empty handed”. Heh):

I was also severely tempted by a little floral boutonniere from Ginny & Jude Designs and an extraordinary feather neckpiece from Hand Hook Yarn.

And I nearly nearly bought this dress from Harper & Edie. But I didn’t. Because I was being good.

Next time 🙂


19 thoughts on “Finders Keepers

  1. Absolutely LOVE your outfit! How quirky! The skirt is brilliant and you manage to pull off a Peter Pan collar without looking like you’ve stepped out in an overgrown kids outfit (as my ASOS curve dress makes ME look!!).

    And you already know I like the shoes 🙂

    Finders Keepers is clearly another pro on our list for moving to Melbourne.

    1. Thanks Claire! The Finders Keepers market is SUCH great fun. Well worth a visit. But the, you guys have Portabello Market, I remember that being pretty good!

  2. Lilli, I love your looks.
    I love the skirt and shoes individually, but together, not as much. Both are statement pieces.
    You always manage to look lovely, though 🙂

  3. I love shoes from imagination, even though they are cheap they do take a beating. I stumbled in one day after my shoes broke in the middle of the day and was trying to find a replacement pair and was told that it was 2 pairs for $40, I think because they were so cheap I got bright and fun coloured flats, whereas when I am buying leather shoes I got for classic styles in quite neutral colours.

  4. Oh I miss Finders Keepers from Sydney. In perth we have a couple of markets (Upmarket and Made on the Left) but not quite the same…

    Love the outfit.

  5. Lilli,
    You are so darn cute! Every time I see you were that belt like that it reminds me of Epinoine from Les Miserables. I wish we had “markets” in Nebraska, we do have a farmers market, and while I do enjoy eating, I wish they had something more to them. By they way I adore the Harper and Edie dress on you. So maybe next time you will buy it?
    Your fan always,

  6. Just had to say you look fab – what a great outfit! I never would have thought to put together that combo but it so works – genius!

  7. Lilli you look gorgeous, as always, I LOVE+++ this outfit, I think it’s my favourite to date. Now I wish to thank you for inspiring me to visit Chitra’s Closet, I had the most wonderful shopping experience there last week. I usually dread and avoid shopping with kids in tow but Chitra kindly entertained my little munchkins (with pretty flowers, birds, feathers, tea cup and an antique purse) giving me a great chance to look at her delicious clothes and try many of them on. Her clothes are divine, I bought four beautiful pieces I’m thrilled with. Thanks for your tips!
    Your fan, Lucy

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