
Red, In a Rush

Dress: Kamikaze
Shoues: Schuh
Aii! Running late for trivia, but wanted to get this posted first!
It’s a dress that always gets a second look – definitely not for when I feel like fading into the background, but I do love it.
Red is the BEST!

19 thoughts on “Red, In a Rush

  1. Love the dress on you, the colour is fab and very sexy!

    putting your blog on my blogroll asap! 🙂

    xxx Anika

  2. That dress is AMAZING. Previously I would've overlooked Kamikaze because I didn't think they had larger sizes, but I'll give them another look now.

  3. Hi! I have been enthusiastically reading your archives for a couple of days since I came across your blog. I really like it.

    And this dress… you look gorgeous! Red is always the perfect option 🙂

  4. Hi,I'm from Brazil, and I love your blog, your clothes are all cute.
    You look like a doll!


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