Dress: Gasby
Shoes: Wittner
This dress has been out of commission for a while, as the zipper was starting to pop its mooring, but I love it, so I had the zipper replaced in time for Frockapalooza.
It’s still crazy snug, but it sits properly because it zips up before it buttons. I’ve never seen anything like it before or since, but it’s the kind of innovation I’d like to see more of, since I always find that button-up things invariably gape on me.
My Mum thinks it’s military, and the Girl Whisperer thinks it’s more Air Lilli, personally I feel like it looks a bit like a school uniform, either way we all agree that it’s a bit of a winner.
I remember this dress! You mentioned that you got it in some Asian shop and you weren't going to go in there but your friend/sis/someone persuaded you to go in to have a look!
Lol…now I sound like a crazy fan! dw…I just remember it because I like the colour pink!
very nice outfit
interesting and nice blog!
It's a really cute dress and the zipper is brilliant. I'm too hourglassy to wear fitted shirtdresses but a zippered one with faux-buttons would work. If only I could find such a thing.
The color looks very nice on you, by the way.
Thats a really cool idea! Might have to see if I could reverse engineer that and put a zipper into a shirtdress.
pink girl
mmmmmm! adorable!!! 
Hi bowsnhearts – yep! that's the one (you have a good memory!) my sister convinced me to buy it – thank goodness she did too, I love it
Thanks Humpty Dumpty – glad you're enjoying it!
Hi Anon, I'm with you – too curvy in odd places to pull proper shirtdresses off, I was tempted to try the one from Bravissimo, but the colours were so drab
Hi A-C, I'd love to know if you succeed! It'd be a great remix opportunity for any number of gaping button items.
lol, thanks m.