This time it was the marvellously flamboyant feather necklace that Mimco released a few seasons ago:

Like a lot of girls, I have a bit of a crush on Mimco, but I get the feeling it’s an unrequited love. See, while I love the quirky jewellery, and the lust-worthy bags and accessories I can’t shake the feeling that Mimco’s marking up their products way beyond reasonable profit margins, and that in fact, that divine $140 (plastic, always plastic) brooch was made by some little tot in China and was sold to Mimco by the thousands for the princely sum of $1.23 per unit.
So, while I mooned over the above necklace (marked down to “only” $180 at the local Mimco Clearance Centre) I knew in my heart of hearts that should I care look hunt for it, a similar object could be found for a fraction of the price.
So is Suki (who’s leash-trained! amazing, huh?). She seems to view it as a bit of dismembered Sparrow, and has been gazing at me with what I assume is a combination of awe and approval since I put it on.
Etsy is apparently the go-to place if you have a craving for feathers, and I found a couple of other really nice pieces when I was searching for this one.

I picture this headband – Vie Moderne – teamed with a black t-shirt and a full red skirt.
Most self-respecting craft shops will sell a selection of feathers, but you can also try Feathers:Fashion:Fantasy for a really comprehensive range. I should add though that I can’t find anything that states that FFF harvests their feathers humanely (most sellers on etsy do) so it’s probably safe to bet that they don’t.
Good on you for holding out. I like yours better!
Mimco is crazily priced. It’s a touch stupid, really!
Ooooh I looove feathers….I reckon Suki would love to get her mitts on it! hehehehe
I’m with you and Mimco…there have been a few bags in there that I have loved, but I just can’t justify the silly prices, they really do have tickets on themselves…
Yeah, it’s one of those brands where I’m DELIGHTED to get something as a gift, but I simply can’t bring myself to part with the cash to buy it myself.
Of course that said, today I’m wearing a headband I bought from them last week (plastic, of course). It was 20% off but still cost over $30 *shakes head at self*
the only thing wrong with this look is that i HATE birds and therefore feathers are a no go for me, but it looks hot on you (as if that is anything new)! oh, and i LOVE that suki is leash trained…what a clever kitty!