Cardigan: Sussan
I missed day six, due to being laid up in bed with some gnarly combination of gastro, a migraine, and a head cold, but I’ve bounced back (sort of) today, with the Style Arc Olivia dress.
This simple elastic waist dress is a great beginners pattern and apparently can be made in a knit or a woven. Here I’ve made it in a wattle-print “modern jersey” from Spoonflower (designed by Lolah studio).
I really enjoyed making this dress, and not just because it’s one of those one-day makes (a toddler nap, plus some extra in the evening).
I squeezed it out of two yards of fabric, and I think I’ll make another before the month is up. I particularly want to have another try with shortening the bodice, because it’s definitely a bit baggier around the waist than I’d prefer.
I have just over two metres of a great black knit fabric that I bought from Drapers Fabrics in Fitzroy, ostensibly for a pair of trousers but more realistically probably destined for a frock