Top: Dorothy Perkins
Long Sleeved Top: Giordano
Skirt: Tartanista
Stockings: Ambra
Shoes: Zu
At the start of winter, I love winter. I really, really do. Stockings, sweaters, boots, gloves, coats, hats… it’s all good.
By the end of winter I’m ready to wave it goodbye and don my floral dresses and flirty skirts again, but at this time of the year I fall upon cool-weather clothes like a starving person.
Last winter was my season of Boots-Over-Jeans, but this year’s shaping up to be more about skirts and stockings and over-the-knee socks.
Antipodean readers? What are you looking forward to wearing now that the weather has started to turn?
oh I will finally get to wear all those coats I've been making over summer …
Brightly coloured opaque tights. And cardis.
Wooly scarf and hat sets! I'm a sucker for them… they make you feel so cosy
TIGHTS! I bought some purple ones and Husbie bought me some *outrageous* red tartan ones. And I'm actually thinking of what winter coat to make this year, as I think I need an update.
Tights – I've bought heaps to wear this winter: purple, teal, opaques, fishnets…and boots. I'm dying to be able to wear my boots without sweating!
Tights and woolen skirts. However, I'm sure I'll be over this desire by end of July! I'm in New Zealand, the temperatures here plummet for the looooongest time.
Knee length woollen skirts and patterned tights, most definitely. In fact, that's what I wore yesterday! It was my only woollen skirt though … need to make more!
Also have a crocheted cardi I am dying to finish so I can wear it!
Bomber jackets, biker boots and scarves.
Lovely! I also love winter and intend to have one with several stockings and skirts.
Love the sweater, so very you.
Come fall I love bringing out my cardigans and patterned stockings. I bought so many last fall/winter.
I bought a scrummy leather biker jacket from David Lawrence and I wore it out today. Softened it up with an embellished tee. It was great.
I have fabric for a printed corduroy skirt that I mean to make and wear with tights and boots. And more skirts and boots. And my trench coats. And my scarves.
Cute heart sweater.
Hi, here, in the northern hemisphere we're longing for real sunny days to arrive, and flower dresses, and bright colors and my fave from all times, navy looks with thousands of stripes and wonderful marine patterns!!
xoxo from Spain
Mar (my name also means sea in Spanish)
Despite loving our new warmer weather, I have to say that I kind of miss my tights. Do you know how easy it is to go without shaving legs when you wear tights regularly?
After years of hiding my legs, I've decided to try some skirts/dresses with tights this winter!
We're approaching summer but your precious plaid skirt is making me a bit sorry about that.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Spring Shabby Apple Dress giveaway
Layers = yay-ers!
(hee. couldn't resist.)
But yeah, I've started doubling up skirts for contrasting colours and to give them more shape, without going full on petticoat mode.
I'm also loving t-shirts over dresses.
Tights and all kind of boots, especially ankle boots
Tights! I'm having a wicked affair with We Love Colors' coloured tights.
I bought a beautiful pair of orange, cashmere-lined, leather gloves when I was in Florence and I cannot wait until it's cold enough for me to wear them. They're gorgeous.
I've also bought a couple of jackets recently – a yellow denim bomber from JIBRI and a vintage marching band jacket – that have been taunting me in this almost-30-degree humidity.
SO cute! I love this outfit.
All my winter clothes! My fabulous green tartan satin lined jacket. My custom made knee high red boots (I like you have never found boots to fit my calves before and so I had them made in Vietnam a couple of years ago).
I was pregnant last winter and kept looking at all my clothes with longing. Yay for cold weather!!!!!!
love your top!
and love your blog!
I am so happy to see curveciuos girls showing their style and being proud of their shapes.
LOL darling
Scarves! Green ones. And the brightly coloured trenchcoat I'm hoping to make…
LOVE this. So much cuteness!