Frugal February: Gusted

Blouse: Events
Cardigan: Crossroads
Skirt: DIY
Shoes: Schuh
Oh dear! This skirt… I love it, but I discovered today that the smallest gust of wind exposes my luvees for all the world to see. And today’s been quite gusty, so I’ve spent much of the day clutching my skirt tight around my thighs!
Thanks to Harbourmaster’s eagle eye spotting I finally have my mitts on a few metres of blue & white striped jersey, so this weekend I’m planning to do a step-by-step DIY project for those of you asking me how to make this skirt.
G&J’s Discount Fabric on Lygon St in Brunswick East… I’d never heard of your before, but I LUFF you! They even have an entire floor of the great quilting fabric’s that I moon over on etsy (I can’t quilt). In fact you can even find the Very Hungry Caterpillar fabric from my first DIY project!

14 thoughts on “Frugal February: Gusted

  1. You look absolutely adorable in this outfit, I love it. Can't wait to see what you make out of your new-found fabric. I used to sew, but time has become a scarce resource lately.

    We're just coming out of carneval drunkeness here, and that's exactly how I feel. I put up some pictures of our carneval weekend (everyone walks around in costume here, 5 days long lol).

    Your pictures are always so warm and breezy looking, I am positively jealous. I can't wait to get out of boots, coats and pashminas!

  2. Gusty days can be a bit of a bother when it comes to flouncy skirts but I love the skirt and all it's stripey goodness!! Too cute!!

  3. Oh yes, gusty skirts and blouses are terrible! Love the fabric in your skirt though.

    GJs is my go-to place for fabric when I'm in Melbourne. I just made a skirt out of a linen/wool blend that I bought there a few years ago. I love that their fabrics are a little bit unusual.

  4. You look wonderful! I do admit that wearing light cotton dresses or skirts in Melbourne can prove to be quite a challenge!

  5. You're looking great in your Carneval outfit, Stephenie! Hope you had a great time!

    Thanks, Studded Rose Vintage 🙂

    Hi Woffy – thankyou! *blush*. I didn't know that – which Sunday Times was it?

    Thankyou, Desiree 🙂

    I LOVE these shoes, Bellisima… I tried to buy a replacement pair for when they finally die, but they'd sold out. Now I just live in fear and anticipation.

    Thanks A-C… this weekend, promise!

    Me too, Mrs B. I love the colours 🙂

    It's fantastic, Michelle – I'm so glad I was pointed towards it

    Thanks, bowsnhearts… Have you ever considered sewing sinkers into your hems? I have, lol!

    Thanks, Floz 🙂

  6. The Sunday Times, over here in London 🙂

    I can't remember which section it was in – either style or culture i think??

    either way it was a good write up!


    p.s. – you have no idea how much i miss good ol Melb when i look at your blog!

  7. The write-up was in the Sunday Age Magazine 'Sunday Life' dated Feb 21 2010.

    I loved the dress you are wearing in the pic so much that i came to check out your blog (it's the one with yellow birds on it).

    Good on look great.

  8. Hi! I'm from Chicago and we have wind here like you wouldn't believe. I have learned a way to combat said problem though. If you sew small fishing weights into the bottom hem of a skirt (or dress), it won't fly up in the wind. 🙂

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