Skirting The Issue

Skirt: DIY!
One of the reasons my Mum’s visiting me in Melbourne at the moment is to suss out the camping & caravan options for a Grey Nomad trip around Australia later this year.
We spent the better part of a day out at Bayside perusing the wares, and I got a little pink in the midday sun, so I was annoyed to discover that I’d tanned the neckline of this jacket into my cleavage when I took it off in the evening!
Once again, my legs seem to be immune to the sun.

11 thoughts on “Skirting The Issue

  1. That jacket looks fab on you! I love the colour and it goes so well with your caterpillar skirt! My legs are immune to the sun as well – always ghostly white. You can always try a little holiday skin if you want? I personally don't (but that's more laziness than anything!).

  2. and you made the skirt and it rocks! Great pattern/fabric match! ..I wish my choices were as successful..

    BTW I've uploaded one of your photos today although it'll be a month before I've finished sewing it.

  3. Hi! I just found your blog from Mary Nanna's link, and I'm so glad- you have the most fantastic style, I want every single one of your outfits on here!

  4. You look great! The skirt is really colourful!

    Maybe the full skirt protected your legs from the sun? Lol…just a weird theory of mine.

  5. these clothes are awesome and you're so beautiful wearing them! {i'm jealous=P)
    Well, i have a question for you: many people from other contries visit your blog?

    (i'm from brazil ;D )

  6. Oh my gosh! The Very Hungry Caterpillar! I am in love with this skirt!
    Where did you get the material?
    Is it too much of me to ask you to make me one, please? Tell me the cost and I'll happily buy one from you. Hungry Caterpillar was my favourite book for a long time!

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