
Frockapalooza: Day 33 – Life’s a Beach

Dress: CKM
Leggings: Kmart
Shoes: Zu
Oh dear, here’s one that I prepared way back in Melbourne, and apparently it was so long ago that I can’t actually remember who made it! It’s one of those super-cheap brands that you can find in every cheap & cheerful clothing shop in Melbourne.
I’m actually not entirely sold on the dress – it’s a bit too tight, and a bit too short, and a bit too… young. It sort of reminds me of one of those old-fashioned Victorian bathing dresses.

9 thoughts on “Frockapalooza: Day 33 – Life’s a Beach

  1. I remember seeing this dress in a shop! I think it's by CKM if I am not wrong. That said, a lot of clothing brands seem to be making the same dresses!

  2. Oh my gosh…
    I'm going on a cruise and this would be perfect for the "nautical" theme day!
    Does anyone have *any* idea where I can find one similar?
    All the best.

  3. I can see where you're coming from, about the dress being young, but I think its rather playful and looks great on you.

  4. Yay! That's it, Bowsnhearts! Thanks!

    Hi Ella, you in Australia? Otherwise I can have a hunt online for you 🙂

    LOL, thanks Eline!

    Thanks kathyrnoh, A-C & m. 🙂

    lol @ Miss Kitty-Cat

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