Dress: CKM
Leggings: Kmart
Shoes: Zu
Oh dear, here’s one that I prepared way back in Melbourne, and apparently it was so long ago that I can’t actually remember who made it! It’s one of those super-cheap brands that you can find in every cheap & cheerful clothing shop in Melbourne.
I’m actually not entirely sold on the dress – it’s a bit too tight, and a bit too short, and a bit too… young. It sort of reminds me of one of those old-fashioned Victorian bathing dresses.
I remember seeing this dress in a shop! I think it's by CKM if I am not wrong. That said, a lot of clothing brands seem to be making the same dresses!
Oh my gosh…
I'm going on a cruise and this would be perfect for the "nautical" theme day!
Does anyone have *any* idea where I can find one similar?
All the best.
I just found your blog on a blog search of boredom and you're just so so adorable. Had to mention that!
I think it's really cute
I can see where you're coming from, about the dress being young, but I think its rather playful and looks great on you.
it's not too short! it's just PERFECT!!! pffffffffff
It's FABULOUS on you!! Never say it isn't!!
Yay! That's it, Bowsnhearts! Thanks!
Hi Ella, you in Australia? Otherwise I can have a hunt online for you
LOL, thanks Eline!
Thanks kathyrnoh, A-C & m.
lol @ Miss Kitty-Cat
I am in Brisbane, thanks for offering, but I did a little Googling and I found one!
Thanks a million, it's perfect