Top: Friends of Couture
Jeans: Piper @ Myer
Boots: Boots for Broads
I was going to entitle this post “Foxy Lady”, but I wasn’t sure that anyone outside of Australia would get the Kath & Kim reference!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to post a comment following the last entry, and to those who have taken Sally’s original idea and run with it on their own blogs. Hopefully everyone gave themselves a moment to think positive thoughts about their own, wonderful, self. Let’s all keep doing that!
For myself, I’m having a wonderful week. I’m holding my head up high, I’m smiling at strangers, and I’m feeling confident in my skin. It really does make a difference, even to the way that other people react back to me.

How hilarious is this sweater? It should probably remind me of my Step-Mum’s inherited fox stole (Foxy Loxy) with its disturbing little paws and glassy eyes, but actually it makes me think more of Suki who often drapes herself about my shoulders in just this manner.

I’m regularly lusting after clothing that I see at Friends of Couture (especially the cardigans) but they’re not often conducive to housing the… I don’t want to say Rack of Doom, because we’re all about self-esteem here at Frocks & Frou Frou, so let’s just use my Mum’s euphemistic phrase “shelf”.

On a completely different topic, Melbourne readers should check out the Songs for Stories Benefit Concert being held on the 25th of August by the Melbourne Writers Festival and the Indigenous Literacy Project. A few of my favourite musical entities will be playing, including Cat Empire, and all proceeds go towards a cause that’s very dear to my heart. The Indigenous Literacy Project is a new foundation that is working to provide remote communities with books and other resources to help build stronger literacy levels throughout our Indigenous population. If you’re not in Melbourne but still want to be involved, maybe have a think about hosting a Book Swap in September…
Oh my gosh look at the adorable cardis. I know probably don't need any more but llussttt, I still want them.
hehee very interesting… for those who love animals ;P
Just discovered your blog- love your style and your hair!
They don't sell the fox one anymore 🙁
LOL, I'm with you Sarah! Except "probably not needing them" never seems to stop me…
Hi LiluLilu: Who doesn't love animals, right?
Hi Elisa, yay! I'm glad you found me!
Hey, TheLibrarian – No, they do: -Oh! I didn't see they grey one instore…
That is one very cute jumper. But I must say that Suki as a fashion accesory is your best choice yet- and I am sure she is much warmer than any scarf!!!
The cutest cat ever. And adorable carid's.
Reckon you'd love these but they're as rare as hen's teeth!
that sweater is adorable ; ;! not to mention your cat 😀
You are just so cute! Love all of your clothes!
Regarding the "rack of doom" reference – I've always thought of the "rack of doom" as more of a super strong woman reference – think amazonian, the 50 foot woman, godzilla if it was a girl, a superhero! – or just the dominant power of the breast. But then again, maybe I'm just weird.
Loving Suki as a fashion accessory! She is divine – even cuter than the jumper (which is pretty cute). I doubt my Burmese would let me do that with him…!
oh hell that sweater is hilarious. and cute as hell to boot.
My mom was a costumer when I was in high school, and we were always getting animal stoles donated. Sometime grocery sacks with five or six in them. Heebiejeebieland.
Sometimes I see rockabilly girls wearing them and I have to sit down for a minute and breathe deeply. AUUGH THERE IS A WEASEL ON YOUR NECK! um, sorry, I'm fine now…
love the sweater top! i have the same 'shelf' concerns and really wish i could get past it so i can buy cute tops like that one!!
off topic from cute sweaters… just wanted to ask which boots you have. I'm thinking of getting the Kerrin boots made up before I head to Ireland for christmas.
In reference to your post below, I think you're one of the most gorgeous girls out here in blogland, love. And that's not even a lie 😉
That jumper/top is super cute. I love the ironic reference. And Kath & Kim! "It's carrr-donnayyy. The haycch is soiillent."
You are looking sooo beautiful! I love the cat lol
Hello. I've just stumbled across your blog – it's terrific. Although your most curvy bit isn't your middle (mine is, ummm, but I'm mid-40's and post 5 children) I can see some great looks I can wear.
Many thanks for the inspiration. I'm definitely a follower of your splendid blog now – thanks.
LOVE the sweater!
That jumper is very cute. Now I'm going to go off topic for a second. Lilli, today's SMH had a great article by the wonderful Anthony Browne about how children, art and creativity, and how as they grow older they begin to believe they are no longer creative or able to draw. I presume The Age would have the same article. It was in the education section, if not it was originally in the Guardian news and media.
LOL, yes Suki is definitely warmer than any scarf, Sandra. Plus, none of my scarves compulsively lick my face or purr 🙂
Thanks, Luinae!
Wow, those are gorgeous Anonymous, thankyou so much for the headsup!
Thanks for that, Mars.
Good one, Jennifer! I need to "own" the phrase! Maybe "Rack of Delight"…
Thanks Miss Kitty-Cat, she's a funny one, Suki. She likes to be up high – I'm sitting up in bed at the moment (I'm crook, urgh) and she's still sitting up under my chin instead of on my lap!
LOL, you made me laugh, Slowe. They're so disconcerting aren't they?
Hi Charm, these are the Kerrin's, and they're REALLY comfortable – they're a teensy bit too big on the calf but they're perfect for wearing over jeans.
Aw, thanks ana b. Thanks for giving me a giggle, too. Kath & Kim always make me laugh. "Foxy Morons" heheheh
Thanks so much, Elle Ash & Claire 🙂
Hi Anon – I'm so glad you found me, and that you're enjoying the read!
Thanks for the heads-up, D_H, off to look for it now 🙂
Lilli, have I told you how much I love this sweater!! I might even buy it…hey, how often do we get to hang out together between Sydney and Melbs, I'm sure we wouldn't get busted in the same outfit! 🙂
Love Lxx
oh that sweater is heavenly!
I'm loving the jeans, they look perfect… is Piper the brand, at Myer? Are they a relatively recent purchase? I've been on a jean-hunt for far too long…
Hi Lis,
Oh – you definitely should! It would look so cute on you!
Hi Erin –
yep – Piper's the brand at Myer. These were a pair of straightlegs from the piper woman collection. I bought them last year I think, but it's a pretty perennial style 🙂
You're beautiful! I love your hair..and you exude style, chicness, and confidence.
Love all your outfits.
(new to your blog but am instantly subscribing to it!)
That jumper is very cute… the blue color is very good matching for the brown fox,,,well done….